Dr. Madhav Rajpange working as an Associate Professor & Head Department of Geography, Anandrao Dhonde Alias Babaji Mahavidyalaya, Kada. Maharashtra, INDIA, has about 25 years of teaching experience. He received his M. A. degree in Geography from the Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,Aurangabad. He received Ph. D. degree in Geography from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad; Maharashtra state. He has published 25 research papers in refereed international journals and 10 research papers in the proceedings of various international conferences. He has received several best paper awards for his research papers at various international conferences. His areas of research include Human Geography & Physical Geography, He is an active Life member of DECCAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA.

Dr. Dattatrya Narsale  working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Anandrao Dhonde Alias Babaji Mahavidyalaya, Kada. ,Dist – Beed , Maharashtra, India, has about 23 years of teaching experience. She received her M.A Degree in Geography From Dr. B.A.M.University  of Aurangabad, Also Completed her Ph.D. degree in Geography from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad: Maharashtra State. She has published 15 research papers in refereed international journals and 05 research paper in the proceedings of various international/National conferences. Her area of research includes population Geography, Agricultural Geography, physical & Human Geography , GIS and Remote Sensing, Environment Geography, Settlement Geography.

Dr. Mangal Tekade working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Anandrao Dhonde Alias Babaji Mahavidyalaya, Kada. Maharashtra, India, has about 22 years of teaching experience. She received her M.A Degree in Geography From Dr. B.A.M.University  of Aurangabad, Also Completed her M.Phil In Geography from Vinayak Mission University Salem

She Received Ph.D. degree in Geography from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad: Maharashtra State. She has published 11 research papers in refereed international journals and 06 research paper in the proceedings of various international/National conferences. Her area of research includes Earth Science, GIS and Remote Sensing,& Human- Geography.


‘Geography’ as a separate discipline, and study the Earth’s physical features, human settlements, and their interconnectedness. For this reason, the question “why should we study geography?” is an important one to consider now. This planet’s surface is our home. The context in which we live has a significant impact on our daily lives. To survive, our community must have access to the resources available there. Natural sources of subsistence, such as wild game and edible plants, provided for the needs of prehistoric cultures. Technology improved, and mankind began growing crops utilising land, soil, and water instead of hunting and gathering. We adapted our eating and dressing routines to the chilly climate. Natural resource endowment, technological progress, interaction with and alteration of physical environment, social and cultural formation, and social and cultural evolution all vary. You, as a geography major, should be interested in learning about the many phenomena that might be expected to differ from one location to the next. The many regions and peoples are introduced to you. Seeing how things have evolved through time should also pique your curiosity. Learning about geography can help you recognise differences and dig further into the conditions that give rise to shifts in culture across time. Research in the field of physical geography is conducted with the intention of illuminating features of the natural world, the processes by which it has changed through time, and the wide variety of landscapes found on our planet. The troposphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere’s top layer are all potential study subjects.


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